The Indian Queen, Z.630, Act 3: "We the spirits of the Air" (3rd & 4th aerial spirits) artworkplay

The Indian Queen, Z.630, Act 3: "We the spirits of the Air" (3rd & 4th aerial spirits) Rosemary Hardy, John Eliot Gardiner, Gillian Fisher, English Baroque Soloists

Purcell: King Arthur, Music for Queen Mary, Hail! Bright Cecilia, Timon of Athens, Dioclesian, The Indian Queen & The Tempest
Release Date:
November 01, 1990
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Purcell: King Arthur, Music for Queen Mary, Hail! Bright Cecilia, Timon of Athens, Dioclesian, The Indian Queen & The Tempest
Release Date:
November 01, 1990
playThe Indian Queen, Z.630, Act 3: "We the spirits of the Air" (3rd & 4th aerial spirits) artwork
The Indian Queen, Z.630, Act 3: "We the spirits of the Air" (3rd & 4th aerial spirits) artwork
The Indian Queen, Z.630, Act 3: "We the spirits of the Air" (3rd & 4th aerial spirits)
English Baroque Soloists, Gillian Fisher, John Eliot Gardiner & Rosemary Hardy
Apple music
Apple music