Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, Text Adapted By Sting: Just Then .Out of the Woods Came the Hunters. Allegro Moderato - Andante - Moderato - poco più Mosso (Allegro Moderato) - Sostenuto - l'istesso Tempo
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, Text Adapted By Sting: Early One Morning Peter Opened the Gate .Andantino
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, Text Adapted By Sting: Grandfather Came Out. Poco più Andante - Andantino, Come Prima - Andante
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, Text Adapted By Sting: "On a Branch of a Big Tree Sat a Little Bird, Peter's " Allegro - Andantino, Come Prima
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, Text Adapted By Sting: "Peter, in the Meantime, Stood Behind the Closed "Peter Andantino, Come Prima - Vivo - Andante molto - Vivo
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, Text Adapted By Sting: "Meanwhile, Peter Made a Lasso With His Rope, Care- "Me poco meno Mosso - Moderato (Meno Mosso)